Friday, August 28, 2009

6 months old, posing for Grandad's photo shoot.

Enjoying a wee drive in Grandma's yard.

On the beach in Carpinteria.

In his kilt!

Calan loves to chew EVERYTHING!

Family fun in Carpinteria!

To celebrate Patti and Tod's 45th wedding anniversary, Kevin, Calan and I went to Carpinteria for a long weekend. It was great to catch up with Uncle Scott and family from Oregon and his girls came up from LA too, which was a lot of fun. We also saw aunt Patty and cousin Dena with her lovely children, who I met for the first time. They had a wonderful time playing on the beach with Taryn, Peyton and Chase. Aunty Whitney struck up a great friendship with our little guy, who was more than happy to be cuddling with her!

Back here in Baywood Park, Calan and I have been out walking with our new friend Lindy, mama to 5 month old Brody. It's great to have another mummy/baby pal, especially as our little buddy Atticus has been in LA with his mum for the last week or so. We have also been out for another North Coast Mommies event at the local coffee shop, and we will be meeting again on Monday. Calan and I are building a great community for ourselves here, we love it!

Calan had his 6 month check at the pediatricians on Thursday. He now weighs 16.5 (25%), up from 13.15 (24%) from his 4 month check. His height shot up from 24 inches (22%) to 27 inches (75%!!) which is an amzing growth spurt and his wee head is still on the 10 percentile range but is growing consistently and we think perfectly in proportion to his little body!

Now that Calan is 27 weeks old, we see excellent sitting for long periods and some more rolling over. He particularly loves his new vocal range, squealing and trying out new sounds all of the time. He is using toys like his "gumball" machine with purpose, hitting the lever specifically and I have introduced him to his spoon and Nuby net to chew on in preparation for feeding times. He seems to enjoy looking at his hands, holding them up high and gazing at them in front of his face. He shows a real interest in other babies and reaches out to touch them (and eat their toys!). We haven't seen any sign of teeth yet, but he is certainly chewing on everything he can get his wee hands on, particularly pushing things to the rear of his gums to gnaw on. He has added a morning stroll to his daily requirements, fussing and letting me know when it is time to get out and about, usually around 8 a.m! He now "encourages" us to walk at least twice daily, and this from a boy who used to really dislike his stroller!

And finally, Many Happy returns to Kevin who celebrates his birthday on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how fast they grow! Easton is almost 1 it's so hard to believe I'm planning his birthday party already. Sounds like you had a good time with the family. Gosh I have not seen Whitney or Dena in forever! All the best. Happy Birthday Kevin.
