Sunday, June 28, 2009

Avila Valley Barn, photos

Look at what Calan is staring at (above)!!!!

We had a lovely time in the sunshine, with our little guy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Doctors, door bouncers and music, oh my!

Hi all, wanted to update the blog and tell you our news for this week.
Calan was at the pediatricians today for his 4 month check. He weighed in at 13,15, a gain of 3 pounds since his last physical (which is different from last week, but apparently the scales can vary). He is at 25 percentile on weight and height and a teeny 10 percentile for his little head! Being born early accounts for these measurements and the doctor is very happy with his progress, as are we!
We introduced Calan to his door bouncer today, he seemed to really enjoy it (see pictures and video). He was very adventuresome, twirling around and he looked right at home!
Kevin had a meet up of his Old Timey jam friends at Mitchel Park this evening, so Calan and I joined him and danced along to the music. We were very proud of daddy, it must take a lot of courage to get up and play, especially as he is still learning the Fiddle. Good Job Kev!
Tomorrow, Calan and I have "Parent Participation" class. We started this last week and met some lovely mamas and their babes. We even met 2 of them for coffee at the local cafe on Tuesday, which was a lot of fun. It's great to be meeting new people, especially as most of these babies will grow up together and attend the same schools. My friend and her son Atticus, will walk up to class with us, it's a 4 mile round trip, so it's great for the diet!
That's all for now folks, hope you are having a great week,
Check back soon for more "Adventures with the Ellis Clan!"
Bryony, Kevin and Calan xxx

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Check out our latest pics anytime at
or find me on Facebook, user name- bryonyellis .
Cute and oh so curious!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome to our new blog!

Hi all!
Here we are, with our first post, ain't technology grand?! Bear with us as we get the hang of this blogging malarchy, we promise to improve with time, like a fine wine!
We had a wonderful weekend for Kevin's first Father's Day. We celebrated with Calan's first venture into the arts;- hand painting a picture for daddy was a lot of fun! We took a short drive out to Avilla Valley Farm and sat on a blanket in the sunshine, enjoying an ice-cream, with all of the other families out for Father's Day. We are going to make this a Sunday treat every week, it's nice to begin building little traditions as a new family.
My weight loss continues to go great, thanks again for everyone's support, another 2 pounds off this week, yipee (and that's even with an ice-cream on Sunday!). I ran 2 miles on Saturday, I'm slowly building up my route, it feels great to get back to jogging again.
Talking of weight, our little stinkbug weighed in at 14, 4 on Friday. He seems to be thriving and we are enchanted by him and his wonderful new tricks every day. He pulls his little legs up when he lies on the mat and is grabbing toys with 2 hands now. He loves to make little clicking souuds with his mouth and we eagerly await more giggles, as seen at the end of last week.
Thanks for checking us out, we will update regularly, so do pop back,
lots of love to you all, near and far,
Bryony, kevin and Calan xxx