Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Calan is 8 months old!

Hi all,
here we are in the lovely Fall season, with pumpkin patches and the delicious fruits of the Harvest. We have been so busy with our little guy, visiting old friends, making new friends, joining a mamas walking group and enjoying Parent Participation classes. Calan is thriving in his little community here and what a wonderful welcome it has extended to us. We began feeding Calan solids at 7 months and he LOVED them! His favourites are Sweet Potato and Winter Squash and he eats along with us at breakfast and dinner times. I am giving him little tastes of whatever I am eating, within reason (!) and he loves Banana Bread and sucking on Apples. He is yet to master the art of sucking water from a sippy cup, but he certainly enjoys chewing on the spout! (No teeth yet.) Calan loves his walker, (which we carefully "ration" to avoid hampering his crawling efforts) it has really opened up his little world and he zooms around the entire house eagerly seeking out new things to look at. Now that Calan is almost 8 months old, Kevin and I have seen some great new developments. This week, Calan has found the joy of emptying items from large mixing bowls etc! Proceeding this was the fun of banging a lid against said bowl and before that he delighted in shaking a baby bottle full of Tortellini's, aaah, simple pleasures! He is desperately trying to crawl and is almost there, just gotta keep those hips up and he'll be off like a rocket! He is really giggling and enjoying us, playing "Peek a Boo" and little word games such as "Round and Round the Garden." Calan seems to have a wonderfully silly sense of humour....just like his parents! He is beginning to use lots of baba/mama/nana/wawa sounds, even seeming to converse with his buddy Atticus-very cute! Coming up this month is a luncheon with Kevin's Godparents and a visit to the Pumpkin Patch with Grandma and a little Halloween party, we promise to post pictures! We hope this finds you all well as we are here, happy Fall, Bryony, Kevin and Calan xoxoxo